NV Mechanics Design Ltd. is a fast growing and innovative Robotics Technology Company located in British Columbia, Canada. We have a proven successful track record in delivering high quality robotics systems to our customers. We believe the key to our success can be found in our mission statement:
Our systems will be the highest quality possible, they will fit our customers’ budgets, and they will be delivered on time and meet customer expectations.
NV Mechanics Design Ltd. is a privately owned engineering company dedicated to the development of robotics for underwater inspection, cleaning and environmental applications primarily for underwater operations.
Primary Equipment Product Lines
- Remote operated inspection and cleaning systems for water tanks, tunnels, cooling towers
- Remotely operated underwater equipment and components. Rotary and linear actuators with integrated drivers, encoders and RS232 control. All actuators are pressure compensated with oil and rated to 3,000m water depth
- Robotics for underwater inspection, cleaning and environmental applications
The main competitive advantage in using our products is creating a safe working environment by removing people involved in the cleaning process, providing a more economical solution AND keeping the water tank online.
- Safer – Eliminates the requirement to send a human (diver) into the tank and clean it
- Faster – The system cleans the tank while under operation
- Cheaper – Eliminates the need for draining the tank of thousands of gallons of water
Our Customers
- Municipal Engineering Managers responsible for maintenance and operation of Potable/Waste Water Tanks / Reservoirs
- Service Provides / Specialized Contractors that provide cleaning services to Municipalities -Tank Cleaning Inspection and Cleaning
- Process Engineering Managers – Industrial Companies that use water as a cooling medium -Energy Chemical Producers with large cooling towers